The Transistor Amplifier - Test
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
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See: 200 Transistor Circuits

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

Read Page 1 and Page 2 of The Transistor Amplifier before answering these TEST questions:

<!-- // TODO FIXME: add quizdown here -->

Question 1: What is the name of this stage: (circuit)

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Question 2: What is the name of this stage: (circuit)

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Question 3: Identify the common-base stage:

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Question 4: What is the full name give to this type of stage:

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Question 5: What is the name of this stage:

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Question 6: When the signal is rising on the input of this stage, what happens to the output signal:

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Question 7: To achieve the highest amplification with the least distortion, what is the approximate voltage on the collector, in quiescent mode (rest mode):

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Question 8: Describe this stage fully:

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Question 9:What is the approximate voltage-gain you will get from this stage:

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Question 10: What is the approximate voltage-gain you will get from this stage:

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Question 11: Describe this circuit:

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Question 12: Describe this circuit:

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Question 13: Identify the feedback component . Does the component provide Positive Feedback or Negative Feedback?

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Question 14: Identify the feedback component. Does the component provide Positive Feedback or Negative Feedback?

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Question 15: What is the name of this circuit:

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Question 16: If the motor takes 300mA, what is the input current: 10mA or 1mA or 0.1mA

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Question 17: Name this circuit:

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Question 18: Name this circuit:

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Question 19: Identify the feedback component in this TOUCH SWITCH circuit. Does it provide Positive Feedback or Negative Feedback?

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Question 20: Which switch will turn on the 12v globe:

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Question 21: Identify this circuit:

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Question 22: Identify this circuit:

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Question 23: Identify these two circuits:

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Question 24: Is the transistor SINKING or SOURCING the current:

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Question 25: Name this circuit:

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Question 26: Name this circuit:

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Question 27: Describe the output voltage when the input voltage changes from 0v to -5volts:

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Question 27a: Describe the output voltage when the input voltage changes from 0v to 10volts:

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Question 28: What is the voltage on the base of stages (A) (B) and (C):

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Question 29: Describe the output voltage as the voltage from the pot is increased:

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Question 30: If Rb is removed, the transistor is (a) saturated, (b) non-conducting (c) cut-off:

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Question 31: Name the negative feedback component:

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Question 32: What is the purpose of the 47R resistor:

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Question 33: Name this type of circuit:

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Question 34: What is the purpose of the zener diode:

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Question 35: Name this type of circuit:

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Question 36: If the transistor zeners at 45v, what is the maximum voltage across the 1u electrolytic in Q35:

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Question 37: Name this circuit:

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Question 38: Does this circuit produce a clean audio output or an “over-driven” digital output:

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Question 39: When the transistor receives an AC signal, does the 10u charge or discharge:

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Question 40: Does the transistor pull in two directions:

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Question 41: Does the 1N4004 diode remove any spikes from the supply?

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Question 42: When the transistor turns off, the voltage on the lower end of the inductor will be:
(a) 9v (b) 7v (c) 0v (d) greater than 9v.

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Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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