Library of Routines for PIC12F629 Page 3
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
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Table Of Contents

Problems - see Faults
Push and Pop and "Save"
Poll See also Switch
Pseudo Instructions - these are additional Instructions understood by MPASM:
Random number see also Mask
Read a File
Read Data
Remove bits see AND and Mask
Return - not used for PIC12F629, use:
Shift see Rotate
Another SLEEP sub-routine:
State Machine
Stop see also Wait.
Store Data
Switch (button, key) see also Poll
Table see also Output a Table Value and CALL Table
Tone see also Beep
TRISIO also known as "tris"
Watchdog Timer (WDT)
Weak Pull-Up Resistors
XOR - XOR detects a MATCH!
Zero Flag
Zero a file
Zero in a file (test for)

Nearly all these instructions also work with
PIC16F628. Just check on Port value(s) and
first available file.


To create a “pause” instruction:

Loop   goto  $   This will cause the microcontroller to keep looping the same instruction.


Loop   nop
       goto Loop

Problems - see Faults


To make a motor-driven toy (car, robot etc) travel at a slow speed (or any speed) the RPM (revolutions per minute) of the motor needs to controlled. You can do this by supplying less cells (less “batteries”) a lower voltage via a power supply or providing pulses of energy that cause the RPM of the motor to increase or decrease. You can also add a resistance to one of the leads.
One of the simplest ways is to provide pulses of energy and this can be done with transistors, IC’s or a microcontroller.
The following code allows 2 motors to be controlled via 16 steps, from 0 to 16. The code simply delivers a value such as 4/16 to one motor and 12/16 to the second motor in 1/100th second.
The value of the step is contained in file M1 (for motor-1) and M2 (for motor-2).

            ;M1 & M2 are the bits in Ghost file for the motors
            ;PWM1 is the file for motor 1 speed (0-15)
            ;PWM2 is the file for motor 2 speed (0-15)
            ;Ghost file holds the bits (M1 & M2) to turn on/off each motor

Preload the PWM files:

        movlw   (0 to .15 - decimal 15)
        movwf   PWM1
        movlw   (0 to .15 - decimal 15)
        movwf   PWM2

DoPWM   bsf Ghost,M1        ;turn motor 1 on
        bsf Ghost,M2        ;and motor 2
        movlw   1           ;preload W
PwmLoop subwf   PWM1,f      ;sub 1 from PWM1
        btfss   STATUS,dc   ;was there a borrow from bit 4
        bcf Ghost,M1        ;yes so turn motor 1 off
        subwf   PWM2,f      ;now do second channel
        btfss   STATUS,dc
        bcf Ghost,M2        ;turn motor 2 off movf  Ghost,w     ;copy register to w
        movwf   GPIO        ;move w to I/O register
        movlw   1           ;reload W
        addwf   Count,f     ;inc count but set flags
        btfss   STATUS,dc   ;have we been around 16 times
        goto    PwmLoop     ;no, so go around inner loop
        btfss   STATUS,z    ;have we done 256 times
        goto    DoPWM       ;no so repeat outer loop
        retlw   0           ;done

Push and Pop and “Save”

Push and Pop are terms used when programming some of the “older style” microprocessors and refers to the ability to store a value (in a file) and send it to a place called a “stack” and get it back later. The microcontrollers we are dealing with have lots of files and we rarely run out of them so the ability to save a value is not available. However when you write an instruction such as CALL Del-1, the current address of your program is placed on the stack so the micro can come back to the next instruction, after it has executed the instructions at the sub-routine called Del-1.
If you want to save a value in a register, you will need to load it into “w” and from w to one of the unused files, thus:

  movf   the file with the value,0 to w  such as 3A,0
  movwf  the file that will save the value  such as 4B


   movf  3A,0   ; (the value in file 3A gets copied into the working register)
   movwf  4B    ; (the value in the working register gets copied to file 4B)

Poll See also Switch

The action of POLLING means to ”look at - on a regular basis.” It generally refers to an input device such as switch or push button. A push button can be pressed and released in less than 10th second and this means it must be scanned or polled 10 times a second (100mS).
This means you have 100,000 machine cycles available between “looks.”
Most programs consist of a Main routine and this is looped on a regular basis. As a program gets larger and larger, the Main routine may loop at a slower rate (mainly due to delay sub-routines needed for some of the operations) and you may exceed the 100,000 limit.
The answer is to place the “look” feature inside the delay sub-routine. The following sub-routine has a ”Look” feature inside a Delay:

Delay   MOVLW 01h           ;Approx 300mS per "unit"
        MOVWF 2C
Delay1  NOP
        DECFSZ 2A,1
        GOTO Delay1
        BTFSS 05,0          ;**Look** at push-button line on port A
        GOTO Not            ;Button not pressed
        BSF 2F,0            ;Set button-press flag
        RETLW 00
Not     BCF 2F,0            ;Clear button-press flag
        BCF 2F,1            ;Clear "action" flag
Delay2  DECFSZ 2B,1
        GOTO Delay1
        DECFSZ 2C,1
        GOTO Delay1
        RETLW 00

Main    CALL Delay
        other instructions
        BTFSS 2F,0          ;Has button been pushed?
        GOTO Main           ;No.
        BTFSC 2F,1          ;Yes. Has "action" already been performed?
        GOTO Main           ;Yes.
        BSF 2F,1            ;No.
        CALL Action
        GOTO Main

The Delay sub-routine includes instructions to look at a button and set a flag (BSF 2F,0) when it is pressed.
The micro comes out of the Delay routine with the flag SET. The flag is then looked at in Main and the appropriate sub-routine is executed.
This sequence may be executed very quickly and the micro may return to Delay before the button is released. The “action” flag (BTFSC 2F,1) prevents the action being carried out more than once for a single button-press.
When the button is released, both flags are cleared.

Pseudo Instructions - these are additional Instructions understood by MPASM:

MnemonicDescriptionEquivalent Operation(s)Status
ADDCFf,dAdd Carry to FileBTFSC
ADDDCFf,dAdd Digit Carry to FileBTFSC
BCkBranch on CarryBTFSC
BDCkBranch on Digit CarryBTFSC
BNCkBranch on No CarryBTFSS
BNDCkBranch on No Digit CarryBTFSS
BNZkBranch on No ZeroBTFSS
BZkBranch on ZeroBTFSC
CLRCClear CarryBCF3,0-
CLRDCClear Digit CarryBCF3,1-
CLRZClear ZeroBCF3,2-
MOVFWfMove File to WMOVFf,0Z
NEGFf,dNegate FileCOMF
SETCSet CarryBSF3,0-
SETDCSet Digit CarryBSF3,1-
SETZSet ZeroBSF3,2-
SKPCSkip on CarryBTFSS3,0-
SKPDCSkip on Digit CarryBTFSS3,1-
SKPNCSkip on No CarryBTFSC3,0-
SKPNDCSkip on No Digit CarryBTFSC3,1-
SKPNZSkip on Non ZeroBTFSC3,2-
SKPZSkip on ZeroBTFSS3,2-
SUBCFf,dSubtract Carry from FileBTFSC
SUBDCFf,dSubtract Digit Carry from FileBTFSC
TSTFfTest FileMOVFf,1Z


The PIC12F629 has individual pull-ups of about 47k on each line, that can be activated via the following code. When a line is made into a input, the pull-up is not active, but is re-activated when the line is changed to output.
Pin 4, GPIO,3 (GP3) is an INPUT-ONLY pin and does not have a pull-up.
In the following instructions, GPIO,5 will have a weak pull-up. A push-switch is connected between GPIO,5 and ground. When the switch is pressed, the input will go LOW. This is called an active LOW input. GPPU is an active LOW enable bit. It is written: GPPU. In the program it is identified as NOT_GPPU as the “Word” document does not overlines. When this bit is cleared (bcf), pull-ups are enabled by individual pot latch values.

  movlw b'11101000' ;Specify GPIO port direction
  movwf TRISIO      ;Set GPIO ports as xxIOIOOO
  bcf NOT_GPPU      ;enable weak pull-up
  bsf WPU, 5        ;enable wpu on GPIO 5 only

Random number see also Mask

A random number can be created by monitoring the TIMER file and looking at this file when a player has pushed a button.

Get_Random  movf  tmr0,0    ;Read the PIC's timer register and put it in W
            andlw  0x03     ;mask all but bit0 and bit1 to get values 0,1,2,3.
            movwf  27h      ;move random number to file 27h (the RANDOM
            retlw  00       ;   number file).

To get a random number: 0-7, mask all but bits 0,1,2: andlw 0x07
The random number file can be incremented if zero is not needed (this will be the second instruction in the sub-routine above) and then “andlw” is carried out.

Here is another Random Number Generator form Andrew Warren [fastfwd at ix.netcom.com] of Fast Forward Engineering - San Diego, California.

Load a register called “RANDOM” with any non-zero value, then call this routine each time you’d like a new pseudo-random value: LFSR = Linear Feedback Shift Register.


Scott Dattalo says:

[with the double RLF at the start of this routine,] Andy is implementing ‘roll left’ where the most significant bit of RANDOM will get copied to least significant position. This is how it works. The first RLF will copy the most significant bit of RANDOM into the carry. What ever was in the carry prior to the first RLF will get copied into the least significant bit position - but we don’t care. Also, since the destination is the W register, the variable RANDOM is unaffected. The second RLF repeats the same rotate operation, but this time the carry has been initialized to the MS bit of random. So this second rotate will copy the MS bit into the least significant bit. All of the other bits are of course shifted left one bit position.

Read a File

Files can be used to store temporary data. A file can be read by moving (it actually gets copied and the original is not altered) it into the W register via an instruction such as: movf 3Ch,0
A file can be “read” and an action performed if it is zero. Use instructions such as:

  decfsz 3Ch,0
  goto   button-1  ;the file is not zero
  goto   button-2  ;the file is zero

Any bit in a file can be read and an action carried out. In this case bit 3 is tested:

   btfss  3Ch,3
   goto   button-1  ;bit 3 is "0"
   goto   button-2  ;bit 3 is "1"

Read Data

The PIC12F629 does not have a feature such as “Read Data” or “Read an Instruction.” Data can be added to a program (when writing the program) in the form of a table (see Table) and this data cannot be altered. Each item in the table can be read by writing an instruction such as:

  retlw  4Fh
  retlw  22h
  retlw  0CCh

Temporary data can be stored in a file or set of files. There are 68 files (from 20h to 5F).
Data can also be added to the EEPROM section. This is 128 bytes of data and can be changed up to 1 million times. The data will be kept when the power is removed.

Remove bits see AND and Mask


One of the biggest problems with a PIC chip is getting the program to run after the chip has been turned OFF then ON again. The voltage on the chip will be small and the chip may start or it may freeze.
To GUARANTEE a start-up EVERY TIME, here is the answer:


;_MCLRE_OFF - master clear must be off for gp3 to work as input pin.

If MCLR is not off, GP3 (pin4) must have 10k to positive rail so a switch can be from pin4 to 0v to provide a HARD RESET. It pin 4 is OPEN, it will pick up noise and constantly reset the chip and it will never run a program.

Watchdog timer ON will cause the program to go to location 000. But this will not produce a reset on 100% of faulty occasions.
Adding BODEN will detect brown-out and produce 100% resets after a chip is turned OFF then ON again.

Return - not used for PIC12F629, use:

Retlw 00 This instruction must be somewhere in each sub-routine if the sub-routine has been CALLED. It is generally at the end, but quite often programming will create a Return part-way through a routine. The instruction to use for a PIC12F629 is: retlw 00 to retlw 0FFh

See CALL and GOTO for more details.

RETLW 00 to FF - Return with Literal in W

A sub-routine can carry out an operation and set a flag. Alternatively it can return with a value in W.
If a sub-routine generates two or three different results, the RETLW 00 to FF instruction can Return with the appropriate value in W. RETLW 00 to FF is used for each value of data in a Table. (see Table)


This is the same as SHIFT. All the bits in a file are moved to the left or right through the CARRY.
Carry is located in the STATUS file (03,0).
It requires 9 shifts (rotates) to get the bits back to the original position.
The CARRY must be cleared (BCF 03,0) if you don’t want it to appear in the file.
RLF (Rotate Left File) increases the value of the contents (doubles the value).
RRF (Rotate Right File) decreases the value of the contents (halves the value).

The following two instructions will rotate the contents of a file register without loosing data in the “Carry Flag”.
Rotate right or left can be implemented. Note that the carry flag is changed.
Enter with “abcdefgh” and leave with “bcdefgha”

  rlf  Register, w   ;Load Carry with the highest bit
  rlf  Register, f   ;Shift left

or Enter with “abcdefgh” and leave with “habcdefg”

  rrf  Register, w   ;Load Carry with the lowest bit
  rrf  Register, f   ;Shift right


To find out if two numbers are the same, they are XORed together. See XOR and Comparison


The first sub-routine in a program is SetUp. It sets the direction for each Input/Output line and clears any other files to get them ready for incrementing etc.
To make a line INPUT or OUTPUT, see INPUT, OUTPUT.
Instructions between BSF 03,5 and BCF 03,5 are dealing with files files in Bank 1. For instance, if files 05 is loaded with 02, this is actually the TRISIO file. This file controls the direction of the Input/Output lines of GPIO and when it contains 0’s, all the lines are output. Note: GP3 is input only

        ORG 0           ;This is the start of memory for the program.
SetUp   BSF 03,5        ;Go to Bank 1
        MOVLW 02        ;Load W with 0000 0010
        MOVWF TRISIO    ;Make GP1 input
        BCF 03,5        ;Go to Bank 0 - the program memory area.
        CLRF 2F         ;Clear flag file
        CLRF GPIO       ;Clear GPIO of junk
        GOTO Main

Shift see Rotate


This instruction puts the micro to sleep. This is also called “power-down mode.”
The micro stops executing the program when it comes to this instruction.
If the Watchdog Timer is enabled, it will be cleared but will keep incrementing.
The In/Out lines maintain the status they had before SLEEP was executed.
For the lowest consumption in SLEEP, all output lines must not drive any circuitry before the SLEEP instruction.
On-chip pull-ups must also be turned off to reduce the current consumption during SLEEP.
The micro will wake up from SLEEP via one of the following:

  1. Taking MCLR pin LOW
  2. Watchdog Timer wake-up (if watchdog is enabled)
  3. Interrupt from GP2/INT pin
  4. GPIO change
  5. Peripheral interrupt.
    On wake-up from SLEEP, the WDT is cleared.

ADDING & _BODEN_OFF to __config reduced current from 120uA to5uA !!

When the SLEEP instruction is being executed, the next instruction (PC + 1) is pre-fetched. For the micro to wake up through an interrupt event, the corresponding interrupt enable bit must be set (enabled). Wake up is regardless of the state of the GIE bit. If the GIE bit is clear (disabled) the micro continues execution at the instruction after SLEEP. If the GIE bit is set (enabled) the micro executes the instruction after SLEEP then branches to the interrupt address (004h). In the case where the instruction following SLEEP is not desirable, the user should have a NOP after the SLEEP instruction.
The TO and PD bits in the STATUS register can be used to determine the cause of RESET. The PD bit, which is set on power-up, is cleared when SLEEP is invoked. The TO bit is cleared if WDT wake-up occurred.

The SLEEP instruction is:


To send the micro to the “sleep_micro” sub-routine, the following instruction is needed:

   goto  sleep_micro

The simplest sub-routine for SLEEP is:


To set GPIO 3 for wake-up from sleep: This has been tested in Greeting card “Decision Maker”

bsf     status, rp0    ;Bank 1
movf    GPIO,0
movlw   b'00001001'    ;must clear the GPIF flag!!
movwf   INTCON
bsf     IOC,3
bcf     status, rp0    ;bank 0
goto    xxx

If the Watchdog timer is enabled, the micro will come out of SLEEP and goto main.
The watchdog will reset after 18,000uS (18m) and wake the micro.
If 18mS is too short, a prescaler can be added to increase the WDT time by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128. The maximum time is 18mS x 128 = 2.3sec

The micro contains an 8-bit prescaler register that can be assigned to Timer0 or Watchdog. This prescaler register is not readable or writable.
To set the prescaler to the WDT, bit 3 of the OPTION REGister must be set. The instruction is:

 bsf   STATUS, RP0  ;select bank 1
 bsf  OPTION_REG,3


  movlw  b'xxxx1xxx'
  movwf  OPTION_REG

  bcf   STATUS, RP0  ;select bank 0

The three lowest bits of the Option register set the timing for the WDT:

  bsf   STATUS, RP0  ;select bank 1

  movlw  b'xxxxx000'
  movwf  OPTION_REG  ;WDT timer = 18mS


  movlw  b'xxxxx001'
  movwf  OPTION_REG  ;WDT timer  = 36mS


  movlw  b'xxxxx010'
  movwf  OPTION_REG  ;WDT timer  = 72mS  etc  etc


  movlw  b'xxxxx111'
  movwf  OPTION_REG  ;WDT timer  = 2,304mS = 2.3 Seconds

  bcf   STATUS, RP0  ;select bank 0


If you want the micro to come out of sleep when the voltage-level changes on any input line, the WDT must be turned off. This must be done during burning the program into the chip. (You will not have the advantage of the watchdog timer to reset the micro if it runs off the end of the program.)

  movlw  b'xxxx1xxx'  ; Enable GPIO port change interrupt (but NOT GIE)
  movwf  INTCON

Make at least one of the in-out pins an input:

  bsf   STATUS, RP0  ;select bank 1
  movlw  b'xxxx1xxx'  ;make GP3 input
  movwf  TRISIO
  bcf   STATUS, RP0  ;select bank 0

Add the SLEEP instruction to the program:

   goto  sleep_micro

Add the SLEEP sub-routine:


Alternately, a SLEEP instruction can be added to a program. In the program below, the micro will stop executing instructions when it reaches “sleep” and wait for a “time-out” of the WDT or a change in GPIO (depending on the setting in INTCON.) If the GIE bit is set, the micro will execute “instruction A” (after sleep) and go to the interrupt address (004h).

  instruction A  - this instruction can be anything but a GOTO instruction.
  no further instructions

If you don’t want an instruction after “sleep” use: NOP.

The Global Interrupt feature is enabled by setting bit 7 of the INTCON register. For this and other features of SLEEP see: PIC12F629 Data Sheet (.pdf 4,926KB)

Another SLEEP sub-routine:

To put the micro to sleep, a number of things must be done. This routine allows the micro to go to SLEEP when it detects the SLEEP instruction. The micro wakes up from sleep when it detects a change on GPIO,5 (pin 2). Pin 2 must have a pull-up resistor for the following program to work. The pull-up resistor can be external (about 47k) and a push switch to take the pin low to take the micro out of SLEEP.
To turn on the weak internal 47k pull-up resistor, place the following instructions in SetUp:

   bsf  STATUS,RP0              ; Sel Bank 1
   bcf  OPTION_REG,NOT_GPPU     ; enable weak pull-up
   bsf  WPU, 5                  ; enable wpu on GPIO 5 only
   bsf  IOC, 5                  ; enable Int-On-Change GPIO 5
   bcf  STATUS,RP0              ; Sel Bank 0
Sleep   movf  GPIO,W        ; Read GPIO clears Int-On-Change flag. Must read
                            ; into W not back to F as it reads port not the output
                            ; latch which may result in output data being
                            ; inadvertently altered.
        bcf   INTCON,GPIF
        bsf   STATUS,RP0    ; Sel bank 1
        movlw 0xFF          ; Setup W for TRISIO all input
        movwf TRISIO        ; Write to TRISIO. Reduce power in sleep mode
        sleep               ; Go to sleep
        nop                 ;
        movlw b'11101000'   ; Wake from sleep and set
        movwf TRISIO        ; TRISIO for input and output for **your** project
        bcf   STATUS,RP0    ; Sel Bank 0
        movf  GPIO,W        ; Read GPIO register
        bcf   INTCON,GPIF   ; and clear GPIF flag in interrupt register

The following set of instructions have been tried in an Alarm project. Some of the instructions may not be needed and you can try deleting and testing for yourself. The most important point to remember is this: The micro goes to ISR (address 04) after waking up from sleep and the instructions at address 04 must be included:

   org 0
   goto  setup
   goto  Enable

SetUp  movlw   b'00001111'   ;0001 1111
       movwf   GPIO          ;Make GP 0 HIGH and GP5 LOW for piezo & GP4 low
       bsf     status,rp0    ;Bank 1
       movlw   b'00011110'
       movwf   trisio        ;Make GP1,2,3,4 input GP0,5 output
       movlw   b'10000110'   ;Turn off T0CKI, prescaler for TMR0 = 1:128
       movwf   option_reg
       bsf     intcon,3      ;enable GPIO state change int
       bsf     intcon,7      ;enable global interrupt GIE
       bsf     IOC,4         ;enables interrupt on GPIO 4
       bcf     status,rp0    ;bank 0
       movlw   07h           ;Set up W to turn off Comparator ports
       movwf   CMCON         ;must be placed in bank 0

       movf    GPIO,w        ;clears the Int-on-change flag
       bsf     status,rp0    ;Bank 1
       bcf     intcon,gpif
       bcf     status,rp0    ;bank 0
       nop                   ;micro goes to ISR at address 04!!!!!!!!!


This is an area where up to 8 addresses are placed. These address are RETURN address. When a CALL is made, the address of the next instruction in your program is placed on the STACK.
The micro will go to the sub-routine you have CALLed. In this sub-routine you can have another CALL.
This is the second CALL. In the second sub-routine you can have another CALL. In fact this can be done up to 8 times.
If more than 8 address are placed on the stack, the first address is lost. That’s why you cannot have more than 8 CALLs. When a return is made, the CALL number is reduced.
The PIC12F629 can have a CALL instruction that CALLs another sub-routine and the sub-routine CALLs another sub-routine and that sub-routine CALLS another sub-routine until 8 CALLs are made.
The 8th sub-routine will have a RETLW 00 to go back the the previous sub-routine and each sub-routine will have a RETLW 00 until finally the micro returns to Main.
The animation below shows a CALL in a sub-routine CALLing another sub-routine and this sub-routine CALLs another sub-routine. The Program Counter makes the micro carry out the instructions.
Note: Return is used in ‘508 instruction-set and Retlw 00 is used in ‘629 instruction-set):

The PIC12F508 or 509 has only a “2-stack” and the low-cost PIC micro (reserved for high-quantity orders) has only a “2-stack.” It is important to realise this so your programs are portable to other micro’s. You can have a CALL from Main and a CALL from the sub-routine, but the second sub-routine must only have a RETLW 00.

State Machine

The term “State Machine” is a program that uses a file called “State” to control program flow.
You may want to shift two files left on the first execution of a sub-routine, shift them a further two places left on the second execution and shift them one more place on the third execution.
The file called “state” is zeroes at the beginning and after completing the part of the sub-routine that doube-shifts, it will be incremented.
One the second pass, “state” is compared with “1” and the second part of the sub-routine is executed. “State” is then incremented and this causes the micro to execute the third part of the sub-routine.
The file “State” remembers the history of the execution of the program and allows the correct code to be executed.

Stop see also Wait.

The microcontroller does not have a Stop instruction. Do not use the word “Halt” as a label, the assembler does not like it. Use Loop, Pause, Wait. See Loop.
To create a “waiting loop” use the following instructions:

Loop    NOP         ;Hold the micro in a loop
        GOTO Loop

When testing a program, you may need to know if the microcontroller has advanced to a certain part of the program.
Insert the instruction: GOTO Wait.
Insert the following instructions. They should include an output to a LED etc so you can prove the micro has entered the loop.

Wait    NOP             ;Hold the micro in a loop
        MOVLW 07h
        MOVWF GPIO      ;Output a HIGH to LEDs
        GOTO Wait

Store Data

The PIC12F629 has two ways to store data.
If you need to store only a few bytes of data for a short period of time, use files that are not required in any of the running of the program.
This information will be lost when power is removed.
If you want to store data permanently, the PIC12F629 has 128 bytes of EEPROM.
This requires a special routine - found under EEPROM.


The following program produces a “rising Sound.”

sound   movlw  0F0h         ;
        movwf  temp
sound1  bsf    GPIO,0       ;Piezo bit HIGH
        movf   temp,0
        movwf  soundhigh
sound2  nop
        decfsz soundhigh,1
        goto   sound2
        bcf    GPIO,0       ;piezo bit LOW
        movf   temp,0
        movwf  soundlow
sound3  nop
        decfsz  soundlow,1
        goto  sound3
        decfsz  temp,1
        goto  sound1
        retlw  00


The following SUBTRACT operations are available:
sublw 00 - 0FFh - subtract w from literal - NOT subtract literal from w subwf file,w - subtract w from file (result stored in w)
subwf file,f - subtract w from file (result stored in file)

Here is an example of the sub(tract) operation:

movlw 0Eh - the value 0Eh is loaded into w
movwf count - 0Eh is moved to a file called “count.” This gets a value into a file.
movf count,w - the value in “count” is moved to w
sublw 0Fh - subtract w (0Eh) from literal (0Fh)

0000 1111
- 0000 1110
0000 0001

Note: the last digit is INVERTED. This is a handy way to invert a digit.


PIC language has a SWAP NIBBLES instruction. It swaps the HIGH nibble with the LOW nibble. Swapping INDF (file 00) actually swaps the nibbles in the file pointed to by FSR. SWAPF 2A,1

;Before: File 2A = 81h  After: File 2A = 18h


Example: File 2C = 81h
File 2D = 47h
File 2E = temp storage

MOVF 2C,0       ;Move 2C to W
MOVWF 2E,1      ;Move W to 20E
MOVWF 2D,0      ;Move 2D to W
MOVWF 20C,1     ;Move W to 20C
MOVF 2E,0       ;Move 2E to W
MOVWF 2D,1      ;Move W to 2D

To swap the contents of two files without using a temporary file:

movf   X, w
subwf  Y, w
addwf  X, f
subwf  Y, f

Another way to swap the contents of two files without using a temporary file:

movf  X, w      ; Get X
xorwf  Y, f     ; Y is now X^Y
xorwf  Y,w      ; W is now (X^y)^X==Y  (say OldY)
movwf  X        ; Now X is OldY
xorwf  Y, f     ; finally Y is (OldX^Y)^Y==OldX


Example: File 3C = 81h W = 47h
after operation: File 3C = 47h W = 81h


Switch (button, key) see also Poll

There is no difference between “Switch,” “Button” and “Key.” They all refer to a push button that has momentary action. It can be an individual push button, one of a number of buttons or in a matrix of buttons such as a keypad.
With all button instructions, there are three important things to remember. They are mechanical devices and their action is very slow in “microprocessor-time.” They produce a lot of pulses when pushed and also when released (this is called switch-noise or switch-bounce). In any button routine, you must also prevent a button-press being registered more than once.
Many sub-routines already have a switch or button feature included in them. Select an existing sub-routine or use the following.
The most important part of adding a switch or button routine is creating the debounce feature.
This is to prevent “double-counting” when the button is pushed or released. Try slow-pressing and slow-release to see if the program produces a false result. If the program “double-counts,” you will have to increase the debounce-time.
Debounce can take up a lot of computer-time. Debounce is a delay routine that “masks” (hides - or disallows) the time when the button is pressed or released, so that only one pulse is detected. Instead of producing a separate debounce routines, you may be able to use the time taken to execute other sub-routines. In other words, the program looks before and after the execution of another routine and if the button is still pressed, the micro detects it as a “button-press.”
Finally, you need to detect the first press of a button and prevent the program operating on the button during the second pass of the program.
The basis of detecting a button-press consists of 6 separate items that must be placed in the following order:
There are two flags. Bit0 in file 1F is the Debounce Flag and Bit1 in file 1F is the Button Pressed flag.
The microprocessor executes Main and CALLs Sw. If Sw detects a key-press, two flags are SET. The first is the Button Pressed flag and the second is the Debounce flag.
The micro returns to Main and tests the Button Pressed flag to see if it is SET. If is is SET, the micro goes to a sub-routine such as CALL Increment, where a value can be incremented. The Button Pressed flag is then cleared and the micro CALLs Sw. If the switch is still pressed, the micro will return. The program is looking for the button to be released. When the button is released, the Sw sub-routine is ready to detect another button-push.

SetUp   BSF 03,5            ;Go to Bank 1
        MOVLW 01            ;Put 01 into W
        MOVWF TRISIO        ;Make GP0 input
        BCF 03,5            ;Go to Bank 0
        CLRF 2F             ;Clear the button-press file
        GOTO Main

Sw      BTFSS 05,0          ;Test the button. Button is "Active HIGH"
        GOTO Sw2            ;Button not pressed
        BTFSC 2F,0          ;Button pressed first time?  Test debounce flag
        RETLW 00            ;Button already pressed. Return to Main
Sw1     DECFSZ 2A,1         ;Create short delay
        GOTO Sw1            ;Look again
        BTFSS 05,0          ;Is switch still pressed?
        GOTO Sw2            ;It was only noise
        BSF 2F,1            ;Button Pressed.  Set button-pressed flag
        BSF 2F,0            ;Set debounce flag
        RETLW 00            ;Return to Main
Sw2     BCF 2F,0            ;Clear debounce flag
        RETLW 00            ;Return to Main

Main    CALL Sw
        BTFSC 2F,1          ;Test button-press flag to see if button was pressed
        GOTO Main2          ;Button pressed
        Display the values  ;Button not pressed
        on a display etc.
        GOTO Main
Main2   CALL Increment      ;Increment the display. (you provide the routine)
        BCF 2F,1            ;Clear the button-press flag
        GOTO Main

Table see also Output a Table Value and CALL Table

Suppose you need to turn on LEDs to produce the pips on the side of a dice (die). This can be done via a table.

In a sub-routine, a value between 1 and 6 is created and put into “w” and Table is called thus:

   movlw  03h    ;any value 1 - 6 is put into w
   call   Table  ; the micro will go to the table and return with 5Bh
   movwf  temp1  ; 5Bh will be put into the temporary file

To prevent the micro jumping beyond the end of the table, the instruction:

   andlw  06h   is used when the table contains 6 elements.

The layout for a Table is shown below:

Table  andlw  06h       ;this prevents micro jumping beyond end of table
       ADDWF pcl,1      ;Add W to the Program Counter to create a jump.
       nop              ;the micro jumps here for "movlw 00"
       RETLW 3Fh
       RETLW 06h
       RETLW 5Bh
       RETLW 4Fh
       RETLW 66h
       RETLW 6Dh

Tables cannot be any longer than 255 bytes, and for the PIC12F629, the values MUST be placed in the first 256 locations of memory.

If you want a second table (because the first table is already 255 bytes long), it can be placed at:
org 0x100 (the second page in a PIC12F629 - called page1 - page0, page1, page2, page3).
This called a COMPUTED CALL Instruction.
You can call from anywhere and these are the instructions to add:

   movlw  1
   movwf  pclath
   movf   Jump,w   ;move jump value into w
   call   table2   ;get jump value for table2

for table 2, place these instructions:

       org 0x100

table2 addwf 02h,1   ;add W to program counter
       retlw 7Eh     ;A


The state of a line can be changed from High to LOW or vice versa to create a tone or other feature.
The instructions below do not know the initial condition of the line. They simply reverses the state. The instructions are:

MOVLW 01h       ;Put 01 into W
XORWF GPIO,1    ;XOR 01 with GPIO, lowest line (GP0)

The following instructions apply to the other lines.

MOVLW 02h       ;Put 0000 0010 into W
XORWF GPIO,1    ;XOR 02 with GPIO, for GP1

MOVLW 04h       ;Put 0000 0100 into W
XORWF GPIO,1    ;XOR 04 with GPIO, for GP2

MOVLW 10h       ;Put 0001 0000 into W
XORWF GPIO,1    ;XOR 10h with GPIO, for GP4

MOVLW 20h       ;Put 0010 0000 into W
XORWF GPIO,1    ;XOR 20h with GPIO, for GP5

This code toggles GP4 at 3Hz and GP5 at 23Hz:
The combination is 3 x 23 = 69Hz = 7246uS HIGH and 7426uS LOW (tested on PIC12F629)


    movlw    30h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4 GP5
    movlw    .7
    movwf    loops
    call     delay
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    decfsz   loops,1
    goto     $-6
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    20h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP5
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    movlw    .7
    movwf    loops
    call     delay
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    decfsz   loops,1
    goto     $-6
    call     delay
    movlw    20h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP5
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    movlw    .7
    movwf    loops
    call     delay
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    30h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4 GP5
    decfsz   loops,1
    goto     $-6
    movlw    .7
    movwf    loops
    call     delay
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    decfsz   loops,1
    goto     $-6
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    20h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP5
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    movlw    .7
    movwf    loops
    call     delay
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    decfsz   loops,1
    goto     $-6
    call     delay
    movlw    20h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP5
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    10h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4
    movlw    .7
    movwf    loops
    call     delay
    call     delay
    call     delay
    movlw    30h
    xorwf    gpio,1    ;to toggle GP4 GP5
    decfsz   loops,1
    goto     $-6
    goto     cycle

delay    ;7246uS

    movlw    .8
    movwf    fileA
    movlw    .225
    movwf    fileB
    decfsz   fileB,1
    goto      $-2
    decfsz   fileA,1
    goto      $-4
    retlw    00

Tone see also Beep

When a line is taken HIGH then LOW at a rapid rate, a tone is produced in a piezo or speaker. A buffer transistor (amplifier) may be needed.
The simplest tone takes a line HIGH, then executes a delay. The line is taken LOW and a delay is executed. This process is repeated. The following routine shows how a tone is produced. The micro never comes out of the Tone sub-routine. It is only suitable as an “end of the line” sub-routine.

Tone  NOP
      DECFSZ 2A,1
      GOTO Tone
      MOVLW 02h         ;Put 02 into W
      XORWF GPIO,1      ;XOR 02 with GPIO. Toggle GP1
      GOTO Tone

To get the micro out of the Tone routine is must have a “duration.” The pitch of the tone can also be changed:

Tone    MOVLW 10h       ;The duration of the tone or "beep"
        MOVWF 2B
Tone1   MOVLW 02h       ;The length of  HIGH and LOW - frequency of tone
        MOVLW 2A
Tone2   NOP
        DECFSZ 2A,1
        GOTO Tone2
        MOVLW 02h       ;Put 02 into W
        XORWF GPIO,1    ;XOR 02 with GPIO. Toggle GP1
        DECFSZ 2B,1
        GOTO Tone1

TRISIO also known as “tris”

The file that determines the in/out state of each line (pin) for the in/out Port is the TRISIO file.
It is located in Bank1 of the microcontroller. It has the value 85 for PIC12F629 to control the GPIO lines. For a PIC16F628 it is 85h for PortA and 86h for PortB. For the PIC10F200 series, the tris register is not given an address number and is only accessed by the mnemonic “trisgpio”
To access the tris register.
GPIO has GP0, GP1, GP2, GP3, GP4 and GP5. Eg: MOVLW 0FFh will only affect the 6 input lines of GPIO. Bits 6, and 7 of a value will not have any effect.
There are two ways to get to the TRISIO file. It can be accessed directly by adding the following two instructions directly into your program at any location:
Note: We have found the instruction: movwf tris, DOES NOT WORK for some micros. Use the instructions BSF 03,5 and BCF 03,5

Writing to TRIS Register:

  movlw   b'00000000'
  tris  gpio

The following has been tested in World’s Simplest Program. You can bit-set the TRISIO file:

bsf   status, rp0   ;bank 1
bcf   TRISIO,4      ;make GP4 output
bcf   status, rp0   ;bank 0

Or set any/all the bits via the w register:

bsf   status, rp0   ;bank 1
movlw  b'11101111'
movwf  TRISIO
bcf   status, rp0   ;bank 0
MOVLW 01h       ;Put 01 into W
MOVWF TRISIO    ;Make GP0 an input and all others output
movlw  01h
tris   gpio     ;this instruction has been tested and works for 12F629

The following instructions apply to the other lines: GP3 is input ONLY

PortA:  MOVLW 02h       ;Put 0000 0010 into W
        MOVWF TRISIO    ;Make GP1 an input and all others output

        MOVLW 04h       ;Put 0000 0100 into W
        MOVWF TRISIO    ;Make GP2 an input and all others output

        MOVLW 08h       ;Put 0000 1000 into W
        MOVWF TRISIO    ;Make GP3 an input and all others output

        MOVLW 10h       ;Put 0001 0000 into W
        MOVWF TRISIO    ;Make GP4 an input and all others output

        MOVLW 20h       ;Put 0010 0000 into W
        MOVWF TRISIO    ;Make GP5 an input and all others output

        MOVLW 3Fh       ;Put 0011 1111 into W
        MOVWF TRISIO    ;Will make all input! (except GP3)

The TRISIO file can also be accessed by inserting BSF 03,5 BCF 03,5 instructions into your program.
The BSF 05,3 instruction takes you to Bank1 where the TRISIO file is located. When in Bank1, the TRISIO file is file 05. See: SetUp for details of the instructions to be inserted between BSF 03,5 and BCF 03,5.

BSF 03,5                ;Go to Bank 1
movlw  b'00000011'
movwf  tris             ;Go to Bank 0 - the program memory area.
BCF 03,5

Wait see also Stop. When testing a program, you may need to know if the microcontroller has advanced to a certain part of the program.
Insert the instruction: GOTO Wait.
Insert the following instructions. They should include an output to a LED etc so you can prove the micro has entered the loop.

Wait    NOP         ;Hold the micro in a loop
        MOVLW 07h
        MOVWF GPIO  ;output
        GOTO Wait

Watchdog Timer (WDT)

The PIC12F629 has an inbuilt timer that increments all the time. It has a normal time-out period of 18mS (18,000 instruction-cycles). You cannot turn the timer on or off via the program. It is turned on (or off) during the burning of the program by setting WDT in the __config file.
To turn the watchdog timer off: & _WDT_OFF
To turn the watchdog timer on: & _WDT_ON
If it is active (turned ON) the micro will go to 000 (reset) after 18,000uS.
This action has a purpose.
If a program is badly designed, it may “run off the end of the program” and start executing “junk” commands. A glitch may cause the micro to go to an incorrect part of a program to cause it to “Freeze.” To prevent this from occurring, the WDT takes the micro back to the beginning and starts the program over again.
To prevent the WDT constantly resetting a program, the WDT must be constantly reset via the instruction CLRWDT. This gives the programmer another 18,000 instructions before having to reset the WDT.
To keep WDT constantly reset, CLRWDT must be placed inside delays.
Normal programming (experimenting etc) is carried out with WDT OFF.
If 18mS is insufficient a prescaler can be added to increase the WDT time by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128. The maximum time is 18mS x 128 = 2.4sec

Weak Pull-Up Resistors

The PIC12F629 has inbuilt weak pull-up resistors (47k) for each of the 8 input lines. These resistors are ONLY enabled when any line is INPUT.
To enable this feature:

   bcf   OPTION_REG,7  ; enable weak pull-ups (Option_Reg address:  81h) (bank1)
   bsf   WPU, 5        ; enable wpu on GPIO 5 only (WPU address:  95h) (bank1)

No weak pull-up available on GP3.

XOR - XOR detects a MATCH!

XOR is called exclusive OR.
See also article: The XOR Trick - for more details on this instruction.
It means the only time the output of a gate is HIGH is when ONE (and ONLY one) of the inputs is HIGH.
When two numbers are XORed together, the result is “1” when one (and only one) of the numbers is “1.” [The OR function is called inclusive OR see IOR].

To find out if two numbers are the same, they are XORed together. Since each binary digit will be the same (i.e. either a 0 or 1) the result will be 0000 0000. The result will set the zero flag in the status (03) file and by testing bit 2 (the Z flag) you can skip when SET.
You also have to decide where you want the result to be placed. If you don’t want the value of the file to be altered, the result should be put into W.

Example: To see if file 2E holds the value 3C. (file 2E does contain the value 3C)

MOVLW 3C    ;Put 3C in W
XORWF 2E,0  ;XOR 3C with file 2E and put the result into W.

The micro will XOR file 2E with the value 3C.
We know file 2E contains the value 3C, so the operation is:
W: 0011 1100
1E: 0011 1100
0000 0000 - this answer will be put into W

In this example, 3C is put into file 2E and the XOR operation is carried out:

MOVLW 3C        ;Put 3C in W
MOVWF 2E        :Put 3C into file 2E
XORLW 3C        ;XOR 3C with file 2E and put the result into W.
BTFSS 03,2      ;Test the Zero flag
GOTO clear

The zero flag will be set. (The zero flag is SET to show the answer is zero) i.e: a MATCH! and the program will go to the line GOTO SET.

Zero Flag

The zero flag is found in the STATUS register (file 03). It is bit 2. When the result of an operations is zero, the zero flag is SET. In other words it is = 1.

Zero a file

A file can be made zero in two ways. To zero a file is the same as clear a file.
The instruction CLRF 1A makes the contents zero.

CLRF 2A ;Make file 2A zero.

You can load 00 into W and move W to a file:

MOVLW 00    ;Put 00 into W
MOVWF 2A    ;Make file 2A zero.

Zero in a file (test for)

To see if a file is zero, move it in and out of itself. The Z flag will be affected. If it is SET, the file contains 00h.

MOVF 2A,1       ;Move 2A in and out of 2A
BTFSS 03,2      ;Test the zero flag
___________     ;Micro goes here if 2A is NOT zero
___________     ;Micro goes here if 2A is zero.

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Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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