Handy Timer
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
October 10, 2013
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Table Of Contents

Parts List

[Kits are available](mailto:colin@elechelp.com?Subject=Buying kit for Handy Timer&Body=Please e-mail the cost of kit for Handy Timer on prototype PC board $20.00 + postage by air mail to my country:****___**** and send details of how I can pay for it. My name is:____) for this project from Talking Electronics for $20.00 plus postage.

See more projects using PIC micros:Elektor,EPE,Silicon Chip

This project will save you burning your food.
It will remind you to re-call a customer
and it will tell you when a TV program is about to start.

These are the sort of things the timer can be used for.
Just turn the dials to the required time and turn the project ON.
When the dials are turned to “0” “0” the LED will flash but the timer will not beep.
This project replaces an electronic timer bought some 15 years ago. It used a CD4541 chip with 24 timing resistors on two 12 position rotary switches and numerous other components to produce the beep.
But the electros went leaky and 20 minutes extended to 35 and 1 hour on the timer never produced a beep.
So this timer was born.

The timing is determined by the oscillator in the micro and this is fairly accurate and reliable over a wide temperature range. It is certainly better than external timing capacitors.
The only problem with the project is detecting the position of the wiper on the two pots.
The ability to detect 10 locations on a pot is governed by the accuracy of the 100n capacitor and the value of the pot.
The capacitors in our prototype had a 5%-10% accuracy but the pot had a 20% accuracy. Some 100k pots were 80k and others 91k.
When this is combined, we get a wide variation.
That’s why we had to allow for an adjustment.
We have specially made the timing so that you need to add a value across the 100n capacitors to get 9 beeps when the pots are turned to 9 0’clock. Extra 10n and 47n capacitors are included in the kit. You can connect two 47n in series to get an added 23n or put 10n across a 100n.
One of our pots was 81k and the 100n was 102n. This needed 2 x 47n in series across the 100n. The other was 91k and 107n and needed 10n in parallel across the 100n.
It is very difficult lowering the 100n so this is the best option.
Once the pot corresponds to the numbers on a clock, the rest of the timing is done by the chip and uses a 1 minute routine that is called a number of times.
The LED is illuminated for a very short period of time during approx each second and this is done within the 1 minute routine. The frequency of 3860Hz for the piezo was determined by using our Square Wave Oscillator project and turning the pot until the output was the highest. The frequency was then detected on a frequency meter and used in this project to get the best output.
The 10mH choke increases the output considerably as it provides the piezo with a very high waveform. The piezo is actually a 22n capacitor and when combined with the 10mH inductor, the two work as a resonant circuit to produce the high waveform.
The 100R, and 10u electrolytic across the piezo section of the circuit, prevent spikes and dips in the supply caused by the low impedance of the 10mH choke from upsetting the micro.
The project takes approx 2mA during operation but considerably more during the beep.

The timer built on surface-mount prototype PC board

The timer built on surface-mount prototype PC board

handy Timer Front


  • The first dial indicates the number of ”minutes x10” and the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40 - - - - 90 are in the same locations as on the face of a clock.
  • The second dial indicates the number of ”minutes x1” with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . .8, 9 in the same places as the numbers on a clock.
  • Turn the first dial to the number of minutes x10 and you can add extra minutes by turning the second dial.
  • Turn the dials and then turn the project ON.
  • You will see the LED flash then produce beeps according to the number of “x10 minutes” detected by the circuit.
  • If you have only selected the number of minutes x1 the beeps will let you know the number detected by the circuit.
  • The LED will continue to flash approx every second to show the timer is working and the piezo will beep when the time has expired.
  • If the timer squeals, the battery is flat.


You can build the circuit on any type of Proto board. We have chosen our surface-mount board as it makes a neat project and you can see all the wiring at the same time.
Use 4 button cells in a holder as the circuit requires very little current and they will last a long time.


This project is part of a course in PIC Programming Course.
The course consists of building these projects and modifying the programs to learn the art of programming PIC microcontrollers.
Most of the projects are very simple however they cover many different routines and enable you to build up your knowledge.
This project has been produced on our standard template and contains a number of sub-routines taken from other projects.
The hardest part of any program is interfacing it with the outside world. One of these problems is to get accurate positioning of the pots. To do this we produced a sub-routine that created a value from a loop counter. We then adjusted the interval between each “look to see when the 100n was charged” and when the loop counter was 10 for the 10 o’clock position, it was complete.
The 1 minute delay could be determined mathematically by counting the microseconds in the program but it was much easier to use a stop watch.
Finally, the LED was turned on for only 5mS per 800mS in the 1 minute delay. This is less than 1% but the flash appears to be a lot longer due to the Persistence of Vision of the eye. The program contains a number a new subroutine that you will be able to “cut and paste” for projects in the future.

If you want to modify the program you will need a programmer, a board to hold the 8 pin chip during programming and an adapter to connect between the programmer and PC board.
These are covered in our article ”Pick-A-PIC.”

Here are the files you will need for “burning” your chip and/or modifying the program:

The following program is for viewing. It may contain spaces or hidden characters that will not compile correctly to produce a .hex file. Use the .hex file above to burn your chip or the .asm file to modify the program.

;**Handy Timer.asm**
    list    p=12F629
    radix   dec
    include "p12f629.inc"

    errorlevel -302 ; Don't complain about BANK 1 Registers

        & _WDT_OFF & _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT ;Internal osc.

;_MCLRE_OFF - master clear must be off for gp3 to be input pin

; variables - names and files

temp1         equ 20h       ;
temp2         equ 21h       ;
temp3         equ 22h       ;
temp4         equ 23h       ;
_beepA      equ 24h     ;for beep tone
_beepB      equ 25h     ;for beep tone
_flash      equ 26h     ;for flashing the LED
_potA         equ 27h     ;holds value 1-10 for x10minutes
_potB         equ 28h     ;holds value 1-10 for minutes
_loops      equ 29h     ;
temp          equ 2Ah     ;
del_x         equ 2Bh     ;
del_y         equ 2Ch     ;
xmin_1      equ 2Dh     ;
xmin_2      equ 2Eh     ;
xmin_3      equ 2Fh     ;
temp_10     equ 30h

status  equ 0x03
rp1     equ 0x06
rp0     equ 0x05
GPIO      equ 0x05

status  equ 03h
option_reg equ 81h

        ; bits on GPIO

pin7    equ 0             ;GP0 out for x10mins
pin6    equ 1             ;GP1 in for x10mins
pin5    equ 2             ;GP2 out for mins
pin4    equ 3             ;GP3 in for mins
pin3    equ 4             ;GP4 piezo
pin2    equ 5             ;GP5 LED


rp0 equ 5   ;bit 5 of the status register

;Beginning of program
      org   0x00
SetUp   bsf   status, rp0 ;Bank 1
      movlw b'11001010' ;Set TRIS GP0,2,4,5 out GP1,3,input
      movwf TRISIO      ;
      bcf     status, rp0   ;bank 0
      movlw 07h           ;turn off Comparator ports
      movwf CMCON       ;must be placed in bank 0
      call  flash
      clrf  GPIO          ;Clear GPIO of junk
      goto  Main

;* Sub Routines and delays          *

    ;approx 150uS delay for loops for potA and PotB

_150uS  movlw     .67
          movwf   temp1
_150u     nop
        decfsz  temp1,f
        goto      _150u
        retlw   00

_20mS     movlw   .20
          movwf   temp2
_20     nop
        decfsz  temp1,f
        goto      _20
        decfsz  temp2,f
        goto      _20
        retlw   00

_500mS  movlw     0FFh
          movwf   temp2
_500      goto    $+1
        goto      $+1
        decfsz  temp1,f
        goto      _500
        decfsz  temp2,f
        goto      _500
        retlw   00

_x1beep movlw     80h
        movwf     del_y
        movlw     .45
        movwf     del_x
        decfsz  del_x,1
        goto      $-2
        movlw     b'00010000'
        xorwf     gpio,1        ;toggle GP4
        decfsz  del_y,1
        goto      $-8
        call      _500mS
        call      _500mS
        retlw     00

beep    movlw       0ffh
      movwf     del_y
      movlw     .45
      movwf     del_x
      decfsz      del_x,1
      goto      $-2
      movlw     b'00010000'
      xorwf     gpio,1        ;toggle GP4
      decfsz      del_y,1
      goto      $-8
      call      _500mS
      call      _500mS
      retlw     00

      movlw     0ffh
      movwf     del_y
      movlw     0ffh
      movwf     del_x
      decfsz      del_x,1
      goto      $-2
      movlw     b'00010000'
      xorwf     gpio,1        ;toggle GP4
      decfsz      del_y,1
      goto      $-8
      call      _500mS
      retlw     00

    ;flash LED at start-up

flash   movlw       0ffh
      movwf     _flash
      bsf           gpio,5
      decfsz    _flash,1
      goto      $-2
      bcf           gpio,5
      retlw     00

    ;potA = x10minutes
    ;Detects position of potA
    ; _potA will have 0-9

potA    clrf        _potA
      clrf      temp
      bcf         gpio,0    ;to discharge 100n
      call      _20mS
      call      _20mS
      bsf         gpio,0    ;to charge 100n
      call      _150uS
      btfsc     gpio,1
      retlw     00      ;_potA & temp exits with 0-9
      incf      _potA,1
      incf      temp,1
      goto      $-5

potB    clrf        _potB
      clrf      temp
      bcf         gpio,2    ;to discharge 100n
      call      _20mS
      call      _20mS
      bsf         gpio,2    ;to charge 100n
      call      _150uS
      btfsc     gpio,3
      retlw     00      ;_potB & temp exits with 0-9
      incf      _potB,3
      incf      temp,1
      goto      $-5

    ;x1min - 1 minute delay

x1min   movlw       .78
      movwf     xmin_3
      _1min     goto    $+1
      goto      $+1
      goto      $+1
      goto      $+1
      decfsz      xmin_1,f
      goto      _1min
      decfsz      xmin_2,f
      goto      $+2
      goto      $+3
      bcf         gpio,5    ;give the LED illumination-time
      goto      _1min
      decfsz      xmin_3,f
      goto      $+2
      retlw       00
      bsf           gpio,5  ;flash LED
      goto      $+1
      goto      $+1
      goto      $+1
      goto      $+1
      goto      _1min

x10mins movlw     .10
        movwf     temp_10
        call      x1min
        decfsz  temp_10,1
        goto      $-2
        retlw     00

;* Main                             *

Main    call        potA        ;returns with value in _potA and temp
      movlw       00h
      xorwf     temp,0
      btfsc     status,2    ;temp=00=zero "x10minutes"
      goto      min_only
      call      longbeep    ;long beep to indicate x10minutes
      decfsz      temp,1
      goto      $-2
            ;temp destroyed
            ;only _potA 1-9 will be used
      call      x10mins
      decfsz      _potA,1
      goto      $-2

    ;check for x1min set on potB

      call      potB
      movlw       00h
      xorwf     temp,0
      btfsc     status,2    ;temp=00=zero minutes
      goto      $+4         ; no setting on pot
      call      x1min
      decfsz      _potB,1
      goto      $-2
      call      beep
      goto      $-1

      call      potB
      movlw       00h
      xorwf     temp,0
      btfsc     status,2    ;temp=00=zero "x10minutes"
      goto      Main        ; no sound as no setting on pots
      call      _x1beep     ;x1_beep to indicate x1minutes
      decfsz      temp,1
      goto      $-2
        ;temp destroyed
        ;only _potB 1-9 will be used
      call      x1min
      decfsz      _potB,1
      goto      $-2
      call      beep
      goto      $-1



You can add additional features to this project by writing your own program or modifying the program above. Send any additions to Talking Electronics for inclusion in this article.

Parts List

Cost: au$20.00 plus postage[Kits are available**](mailto:colin@elechelp.com?Subject=Buying kit for Handy Timer&Body=Please e-mail the cost of kit for Handy Timer on prototype PC board $20.00 + postage by air mail to my country:****___**** and send details of how I can pay for it. My name is:____)

  • 1 - 150R SM resistor1 - 100R SM resistor

  • 1 - 2k2 SM resistor

  • 2 - 100k pots

  • 3 - 100n SM capacitors2 - 10n SM capacitors (for adjusting 100n)

  • 2 - 47n SM capacitors (for adjusting 100n)

  • 1 - 10u SM electrolytic

  • 1 - SM red LED

  • 1 - SM diode

  • 1 - BC847 SM transistor

  • 1 - SPDT mini slide switch

  • 1 - 10mH choke

  • 1 - piezo diaphragm

  • 1 - 8 pin IC socket

  • 2 - knobs for pots

  • 1 - 20cm fine enamelled wire

  • 1 - 20cm - very fine solder

  • 1 - PIC12F629 chip (with Timer routine)

  • 1 - battery holder

  • 4 - button cells

  • 1 - 3cm x 1cm blank PCB for piezo

  • 1 - piece double-sided tape

  • 1 - Prototype PC board

Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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