4 Alarm Space Gun
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell
January 02, 2010
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4 ALARM SOUNDS chip $2.50

To order [send an email](mailto:colin@elechelp.com?Subject=4 Alarm Sounds&Body=Please e-mail the cost of 4 Alarm Sounds $2.50 posted by air mail to my country:****___**** and send details of how I can pay for it. My name is:____) to us and we will reply with the details.

This project is a miniature 1-chip alarm. All you need is a tilt switch, battery and piezo to produce a complete alarm.
If you want a very high output, you can add a Darlington buffer transistor, piezo tweeter and a 10mH choke.
The chip does all the work.
It sits in sleep mode (100 microamps) and waits for the enable line to go high via the tilt switch.
It then produces a SPACE GUN alarm for approx 3 minutes and goes into sleep mode again.
The .asm and .hex for 4 Alarm Sounds chip with Space Gun selected when A0 and A1 HIGH, is in the following files:

  • 4 Alarm Sounds.asm
  • 4 Alarm Sounds.hex

Below is the program written by the original designer of the project. It is complex and contains an instruction: movlw wabl_dir_mask ;change direction This instruction is now allowed. Possibly it should be: movfw wabl_dir_mask ;change direction. I don’t know how he was able to compile the program. I could not assemble it. Read through the program then look at the next program for PIC12F629. It is shorter, easier to read, has better sounds, includes sleep mode (100microamps) and a 3 minute timer. You can always learn from other peoples work.
Here are some of the things to consider.

  1. The second program has has fewer instructions for each sub-routine. For instance:
decf   dwell,1 ; test if dwell = 0
btfsc  ZERO

has been replaced with:

decfsz  dwell,1 ; test if dwell = 0
goto    $-2     ;go up the program two instructions
  1. The piezo lines toggle via the following instructions:
movlw   b'00100001'
xorwf   GPIO,1   ;toggle bits 0 & 5

This makes GP0 and GP5 change state each time the sub-routine is executed. You do not need to know the previous state of either line. They change state each time the sub-routine is called. 3. Instruction: goto $+1 uses 2 cycles and saves writing: nop nop and saves one line of code.


;   alarmt.asm


GPIO      equ   6
STATUS  equ 3
PC      equ 2
#define CARRY   STATUS,0
#define ZERO    STATUS,2
#define outa    GPIO,0  ;Output to Piezo - toggles with GPIO,5
#define modea   GPIO,1  ;Input A0 determines 1 of 4 sounds: 00, 01, 10, 11
#define modeb   GPIO,2  ;Input A1 determines 1 of 4 sounds: 00, 01, 10, 11
#define enbf    GPIO,3  ;tied LOW
#define enbt    GPIO,4  ;HIGH input enables the chip to produce sounds
#define outb    GPIO,5  ;Output to Piezo - toggles with GPIO,0

;Files for temporary storage:
bits    equ 0Ah         ;flags file
temp    equ 0Bh         ;temporary storage
dwell   equ 0Ch         ;cycles
count   equ 0Dh         ;delay
steps   equ 0Eh         ;dwell
cnth    equ 0Fh         ;counter HIGH
cntl    equ 10h         ;counter LOW
#define flag        bits,1        ;flags file, bit 1 = 0Ah,1
#define wabl_dir    bits,2      ;flags file, bit 2 = 0Ah,2
#define wabl_dir_mask   bits,4  ;flags file, bit 4 = 0Ah,4

;Program starts HERE

esetvec org 0
    movlw   0D0h          ;1101 0000
    movwf   option_reg  ;Weak pull-up and Pin-change disabled
            ;Option is normally 1111 1111 - so 0D0h has no effect
    movlw   1Eh         ;0001 1110
    movwf   GPIO          ;Make GP 0 and 5 LOW for piezo
    movwf   trisio      ;Make GP4 input
    bcf   wabl_dir    ;clear flags bit 2
    bcf   flag        ;clear bit 1 in flags file
    btfss   enbt          ;test GPIO,4 - Chips is enabled when HIGH
    goto    top1          ;micro goes here when enable low - loops 4 instructions above
    nop                 ;micro goes here when enable HIGH - then to rrf below!!
    btfsc   enbf          ;Tied LOW!! - will always be "clear" - LOW
    goto    top1          ;micro can never go HERE.
                          ;micro always goes here

        ;The following creates a miniature Table:

    rrf   GPIO,w;GPIO will have 0000 0xx0 via A0 and A1
    andlw   3       ;after rrf the result will be: 0000 00xx
    addwf   PC,1    ;masks all but the two lowest bits and adds to Program Counter
    goto    mode0   ;jumps here if A0 and A1 LOW
    goto    mode1   ;jumps here if A0 HIGH and A1 LOW
    goto    mode2   ;jumps here if A0 LOW and A1 HIGH
    goto    mode3   ;jumps here if A0 and A1 HIGH

mode3         ;mode 3   SIREN

i1  movlw   37  ;set frequency delay
    movwf   count
    movlw   6     ; set number of frequency steps
    movwf   steps
    movlw   0x20    ; 0010 0000 set frequency dwell delay 64d
    movwf   dwell
alarm1        ; send 1 cycle
    call    alarm1_set
    movlw   1Fh   ;0001 1111
    movwf   GPIO    ;Makes GP0 HIGH GP5 LOW
    call    alarm1_clr
    decfsz  dwell,1 ; test if any more cycles
    goto      alarm1
    movlw     5       ; step frequency delay
    subwf     count,1
    decfsz  steps,1 ; test if last step in progress
    goto    i2      ;
    goto      top       ;see if Enable is still HIGH and loop again
            ;Enable must go LOW to stop alarm

mode0               ;init mode  0  CONSTANT
    movlw   35        ; set frequency delay
    movwf   count
    call    alarm1_set; send 1 cycle
    movlw   1Fh       ; 0001 1111
    movwf   GPIO        ;Makes GP0 HIGH  - GP5 LOW
    call    alarm1_clr
    goto    top       ;see if Enable is still HIGH and loop again
            ;Enable must go LOW to stop alarm

mode1   ;init mode  1  CHIRP
    bcf     flag          ;clear bit1 in bits file - flags file
    movlw     35          ; set frequency delay
    movwf     count     ;put 35 into Count file
    movlw     1         ;
    movwf     cnth      ;put 1 in counter HIGH file
    clrf      cntl      ;clear counter LOW file
    call      alarm1_set; set   1st pulse
    movlw     1Fh         ; 0001 1111
    movwf     GPIO      ;Makes GP0 HIGH - GP5 LOW
    call      alarm1_clr
    decfsz  cntl,1    ; decrement and test counters
    goto      mode1a
    decfsz  cnth,1
    goto      mode1a
    movlw     2         ; set   pause   delay   to counters
    movwf     cnth      ; pause = ~6*cnth*~255us
    clrf      cntl
    decfsz  cntl,1    ; decrement and test counters
    goto      mode1b
    decfsz  cnth,1
    goto      mode1b
    movlw     1         ;init second pulsed delay to counters
    movwf     cnth
    clrf      cntl
mode1c              ; send 1 cycle
    call      alarm1_set
    movlw     1Fh         ; 0001 1111
    movwf     GPIO      ;Makes GP0 HIGH - GP5 LOW
    call      alarm1_clr
    decfsz  cntl,1    ; decrement and test counters
    goto      mode1c
    decfsz  cnth,1
    goto      mode1c
    goto      top         ;see if Enable is still HIGH and loop again
            ;Enable must go LOW to stop alarm
mode2   ;init mode 2 WARBLE
    btfsc     flag      ; test control flag
    goto      mode2fa
    movlw     0x19      ; init frequency delay
    movwf     count
    movlw     8         ; init number of frequency steps
    movwf     steps
    movlw     5         ; init frequency dwell
    movwf     dwell
    decf      dwell,1     ; test if dwell = 0
    btfsc     ZERO
    goto      mode2d
    call      alarm1_set    ;set 1 cycle
    movlw     1Fh
    movwf     GPIO
    call      alarm1_clr
    goto      mode2a
    decf      steps,1       ; test if more steps
    btfsc     ZERO
    goto      mode2f
    btfss     wabl_dir    ; test warble direction
    goto      mode2g
    movlw     5
    subwf     count,1       ; increment frequency
    goto      mode2b
    movlw     5           ; decrement frequency
    addwf     count,1
    goto      mode2b
    bsf     flag          ; set control flag
    goto      top           ;see if Enable is still HIGH and loop again
            ;Enable must go LOW to stop alarm
    movlw     wabl_dir_mask ; change direction
    xorwf     bits,1
    movlw     7           ; reload number of frequency steps
    movwf     steps
    goto      mode2b

alarm1_set            ; set 1 cycle sub-service
    movlw     3Eh           ; 0011 1110 Make GP0 LOW - GP5 HIGH
    movwf     GPIO        ;toggles GP0 and 5
alarm1_clr            ; copy and decrement frequency delay
    movfw     count       ;set for *4 to define pulse frequency
    movwf     temp
Dec2                    ; 14+2*(4*temp*~1us)= frequency
    decfsz  temp,1
    goto      Dec2
    clrf      GPIO        ; leave all output lines LOW
    retlw     0


The .asm and .hex for 4 Alarm Sounds chip with Space Gun selected when A0 and A1 HIGH, is in the following files:


;   alarm_4Sounds.asm   for PIC12F629   29-1-2010
;This program has goto mode 2,3 changed to produce
;SPACE GUN with A0 and A1 HIGH
;quiescent current = 100microamps
;       --+------------ +5v
;     |                  |  |
;    +--- | -----------------|\[\]|----+
;    |    |Vdd ---v---       |  |    |
;    |    +---|1   Gnd|      piezo   |
;    |        |       |              |
;    +--------|GP5 GP0|--------------+
;             |       |
;  Enable-----|GP4 GP1|----A0
;             |       |
;        +----|GP3 GP2|----A1
;        |     -------
;        |    PIC12F629
;        |
;        |
;    ----+---------- 0v

    radix   dec
    include "p12f629.inc"

    errorlevel  -302    ; Don't complain about BANK 1 Registers

    __CONFIG    _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_OFF &
 _WDT_OFF & _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT  ;Internal osc.

STATUS  equ 3
PC  equ 2
#define CARRY   STATUS,0
#define ZERO    STATUS,2
#define outa    GPIO,0  ;
#define modea   GPIO,1  ;
#define modeb   GPIO,2  ;
#define enbf    GPIO,3  ;
#define enbt    GPIO,4  ;
#define outb    GPIO,5  ;
flags   equ 20h ;flags file
temp    equ 21h
delA         equ           22h
delB         equ           23h

dwell        equ           25h          ;cycles
count       equ           26h          ;delay
steps       equ           27h          ;dwell
cnth         equ           28h
cntl          equ           29h

    org 0
    goto setup
    goto Enable

SetUp   movlw   b'00001111' ;0001 1111
      movwf     GPIO        ;Make GP 0 HIGH and GP5 LOW for piezo & GP4 low
      bsf     status,rp0    ;Bank 1
      movlw     b'00011110'
      movwf   trisio        ;Make GP1,2,3,4 input GP0,5 output
      movlw     b'10000110' ;Turn off T0CKI, prescaler for TMR0 = 1:128
      movwf     option_reg
      bsf     intcon,3    ;enable GPIO state change int
      bsf     intcon,7    ;enable global interrupt GIE
      bsf     IOC,4         ;enables interrupt on GPIO 4
      bcf     status,rp0  ;bank 0
      movlw     07h           ;Set up W to turn off Comparator ports
      movwf     CMCON       ;must be placed in bank 0
      clrf    delA
      movlw     .140          ;for 3 minutes
      movwf     delB

        ;look for enable HIGH

        goto    $+1
        goto    $+1
        decfsz  temp,1
        goto      $-3
        movf      GPIO,w        ;clears the Int-on-change flag
        bsf       status,rp0  ;Bank 1
        bcf       intcon,gpif
        bcf       status,rp0  ;bank 0
        nop                     ;micro goes to ISR at address 04!!!!!!!!!
Enable  call      _3min
        btfsc   GPIO,1      ;Test A0
        goto    $+4           ;A0=High
        btfsc   GPIO,2      ;A0=Low Test A1
        goto      mode3         ;A0=Low A1=high
        goto      mode0         ;A0=Low A1=low
        btfsc   GPIO,2      ;A0=High Test A1
        goto      mode2       ;A0=High A1=high This program produces SPACE GUN
        goto      mode1         ;A0=High A1=low           with A0 and A1 HIGH

    ;mode   0   CONSTANT 2.2kHz tone   A0=Low  A1=low

mode0   movlw   .20 ; set frequency
      movwf count
      call  toggle
      btfsc GPIO,4  ;test GPIO,4 - High Input enables chip to produce tone
      goto  $-4
      goto  Enable

    ;mode 1   CHIRP   A0=High  A1=low

        movlw     35        ;set frequency delay
        movwf     count   ;put 35 into Count file
        movlw     1
        movwf     cnth    ;put 1 in counter HIGH file
        clrf      cntl    ;clear counter LOW file
mode1a  call      toggle
        decfsz  cntl,1  ;decrement and test counters
        goto      mode1a
        decfsz  cnth,1
        goto      mode1a
        movlw     2       ;set pause delay to counters
        movwf     cnth
        clrf      cntl
mode1b  nop
        decfsz  cntl,1  ;decrement and test counters
        goto      mode1b
        decfsz  cnth,1
        goto      mode1b
        movlw     1       ;init second pulsed delay to counters
        movwf     cnth
        clrf      cntl
        call      toggle
        decfsz  cntl,1  ;decrement and test counters
        goto      mode1c
        decfsz  cnth,1
        goto      mode1c
        btfsc     GPIO,4    ;test GPIO,4 - High Input enables chip to produce tone
        goto      mode1
        goto      Enable

    ;SPACE GUN  A0=Low  A1=high

        movlw     7         ;number of steps
        movwf     steps
        movlw     5         ;dwell
        movwf     dwell
        call      toggle
        decfsz  dwell,1   ; test if dwell = 0
        goto      $-2
        movlw     5
        subwf     count,1     ;increment frequency
        btfss     GPIO,4      ;test GPIO,4 - High Input enables chip to produce tone
        goto      Enable      ;see if Enable is still HIGH and loop again
        decfsz  steps,1   ;test if more steps
        goto      mode2a
        goto      mode2

mode3      ;mode 3 SIREN   A0=High  A1=high

        movlw     37       ;set frequency
        movwf     count
        movlw     6       ; set number of steps
        movwf     steps
mode3a  movlw     0x20    ; 0010 0000 set dwell
          movwf   dwell
mode3b  call      toggle
        decfsz  dwell,1 ; test if any more cycles
        goto      mode3b
        movlw     5       ; step frequency delay
        subwf     count,1
        decfsz  steps,1 ; test if last step in progress
        goto      mode3a    ;
        btfsc     GPIO,4    ;test GPIO,4 - High Input enables chip to produce tone
        goto      mode3
        goto      Enable

toggle  movf      count,0
        movwf     temp
        goto      $+1
        goto      $+1
        decfsz  temp,1
        goto      $-3
        movlw     b'00100001'
        xorwf     GPIO,1        ;toggle bits 0 & 5
        retlw     00

_3min   decfsz  delA
        retlw   00
        decfsz  delB
        retlw   00
        goto      SetUp


The PIC12F629 chip is available for $2.50 with 4 Alarm Sounds.hex burnt into it. You will just need a small PC board, mercury switch, battery, switch, and piezo to complete the alarm.
If you are going to burn the program yourself, you will need a PICkit-2 programmer, a 6 pin to 5 pin adapter to connect between the PICkit-2 programmer and the Project ($1.50) and the above components.
You should read about programming PIC chips by clicking this link: Start here with PIC12F629


Colin Mitchell

Colin Mitchell



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